
Reasons affecting the drying effect of powder dryer equipment

Reasons affecting the drying effect of powder dryer equipment

1.Drying material moisture affects the powder dryer equipment drying ability of the element is the moisture content of raw materials to be dried, for the moisture content of particularly high raw materials, a drying is difficult to fully, so the drying of raw materials will be relatively wet. Microwave dryer equipment can not meet the production requirements. 

2. The choice of heat source is crucial for powder dryer equipment. The heat source of powder dryer equipment is usually divided into coal, oil, gas and electric power according to the fuel. According to the heat transfer situation can be divided into dry medium direct heating and indirect heating. For example, the boiler heats water to form steam, which is then heated through the radiator to dry the medium. This is two indirect heating. The total thermal efficiency of this method is very low, only about 40%. Indirectly heated hot air is clean and has a thermal efficiency of 60 ~ 70%. Microwave dryer equipment and direct heating due to smoke and dust pollution and affect product quality, but heat energy use is very full, thermal efficiency is very high, on drying materials mixed with a small amount of smoke and dust without impact, can be used preferentially.

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